The exciting Trilogy about the first Women’s Mexican Cartel that spans the ages between the Aztec Empire and 2037 is available now.
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I have lived a couple of lifetimes. Currently, my wife and I own and operate a B&B in the Southwest where I grow organic asparagus while writing. My first book, GHOSTS OF THE GUADALUPES, was a historical account of the Guadalupe Mountains in Southeastern New Mexico. While conducting historical research for GHOSTS OF THE GUADALUPES, I found several references alluding to a female cartel that operated illegally in Mexico and the southwestern United States. I was intrigued and wrote the DOS PUTAS trilogy about a female cartel. This story begins in the 1600’s and ends in the late 2030’s. I hope you will enjoy this series. I know I have. DOS PUTAS: THE BEGINNING, MARTHA AGENT OF CHANGE, and END OF THE BEGINNING.
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